The Library of the Hungarian Parliament is a legislative library, a public library and a national research library all in one. Law and public administration, political science, 20th century and contemporary history are its main interests. We collect all domestic titles that cover these fields and a selection of related foreign titles. All titles of the library’s holdings can be found in the online catalogues.
- monographs,
- official documents of the United Nations Organizations and official documents of the European Union (documents of the depository collections),
- Hungarian and foreign parliamentary documents
- research and review articles concerning law, political science and history selected and indexed from Hungarian and foreign journals and collections of essays
The full content of the former Databases of Hungarian and Foreign Legal Literature can also be searched in the unified online catalogue.
Database of Hungarian Legal Literature
The database covers bibliographical descriptions of documents in Hungarian and foreign languages that have been published in Hungary and have become part of the library’s stock. They are legal monographs, collections of essays, studies, articles of legal periodicals, selected articles of certain social science periodicals and collections of statutes. The database contains documents as from 1811 up to the present days.
Database of Foreign Legal Literature
The database covers bibliographical descriptions of selected articles and essays of 300-plus foreign legal periodicals and volumes of essays. As presently in the online databases the full text of 10 000-plus periodicals can be accessed, in 2010 we discontinued further expanding the database.
The catalogue of periodicals
The catalogue covers the bibliographical descriptions of the Hungarian and foreign periodicals (daily papers, weeklies, journals and yearbooks) existing in the library’s holdings