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At the Dawn of a New Wolrld István Tisza

Since 22 April 2022 the Museum of the Hungarian Parliament’s exhibition titled At the Dawn of a New World – István Tisza has been housed in Debrecen, organised in conjunction with the city’s Déri Museum. The exhibition features one of the most prominent Hungarian statesmen of the 20th century, István Tisza – twice elected Hungarian prime minister and also speaker of the house – whose character and politics are still in the crossfire of debates, while exploring the motivations behind his political views and decisions. The main line of events are presented at the exhibition arranged around the era’s main political and social problems. István Tisza’s tragic fate was symbolically entwined with the end of historical Hungary.

Admission to the exhibition is free. Guided tours can be booked through advance registration one week before the time of the planned visit by email at tiszakiallitas@derimuzeum.hu.

Address of the venue: Debrecen, Kossuth u. 1.

Opening hours and further information







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Photos: Balassi Institute in Brussels