Kálmán Tisza Program
Kálmán Tisza Program
The Kálmán Tisza Program was launched in 2015 upon the initiative of the Speaker of the National Assembly. The research is carried out on the former halls of Parliament, the function of its rooms, as well as its objects and artworks from the beginnings until the present day.
In addition to five experts from the staff of the House of Parliament, another five external art historians, historians and librarians participate in the project. Their work includes press screenings, institutional collecting and individual research as well as recording bibliographical data related to this.
The research findings of the Program thus far include the acquisition of hundreds of archive photos, interviews with the descendants of former staff members and residents of Parliament, the reconstruction of the presidential gallery in the House of Representatives, naming and decorating the famed halls, sponsoring renovation work on the Parliament building as well as numerous publications, including those in the Parliament Guide Books series.
The webpage of the Parliament Guide Books series on the website of the Országház Publisher.
Tisza Kálmán - jobb hasáb
Forrás: Bencze-Kovács György, Országgyűlési Múzeum
Forrás: képeslap, Országgyűlési Múzeum