Beiratkozás - parallax


Getting a library card

You can be a member:

  • if you are over 18 with Hungarian citizenship or any other citizenship, or
  • if you are between the ages of 16 and 18 and have a request from a head of your secondary school, or special permission from the chief librarian for special research purposes.

Advance registration is required:

  • if you are visiting us for the first time, or
  • if your library card has expired.
E-mail: registration(at)
Phone: +36 1 441 4133


Registration requirements:

On every visit:

  • you have to prove your identity with the photo ID you used for registration,
  • you will go through a mandatory security check of your baggage, and
  • pass through a security gate.

It is prohibited to bring any sharp or cutting tools into the library.

Opening hours

Monday–Friday: 9:00–20:00
Saturday: 10:00–18:00
At the first checkpoint (chain fence) admission begins 10 minutes before the opening time and ends 10 minutes before the closing time of the library. Please note that the Paliamentary Guard closes the library gate at 20:00 (at 18:00 on Saturdays), thus visitors are required to exit the building by this time. Therefore, we kindly ask you to leave the reading areas by 19:45 (by 17:45 on Saturdays).

Our services

  Full Free 
Using the catalogue full access full access
Ask a librarian! service full access full access
Using the open-shelf collection full access full access
Stacks requests full access not available
Using Rapid request full access not available
Printing full access full access
Copying full access full access
Reservation full access not available
Computer use full access limited access
Internet-access full access limited access
Using the wi-fi network full access not available
Using e-resources full access not available
Remote access to e-resources full access not available
Using the Új Jogtár® full access full access
Using Jogkódex Szakcikk Adatbázis Plusz® full access full access

Full = Full membership
Free = Free membership

Types of library cards

Full membership Free membership

regular library card

daily library card

researchers' library card

student library card

Collaboration Program with Universities and Research Institutions

scholarship holders / member of Bundestag '90 Club

pensioners' library card

library card for people entitled to free membership (library and museum employees, teachers, members of cross-border Hungarian communities, people with disabilities or above the age of 70)

visitors' library card


How to extend your library card’s validity period:

  • upon notification you receive before expiry,
  • in order to ensure continuous use of the library.

Online extension:


Have your say on library services...

Please have your say on our services by filling in the evaluation form below.
The completion of the form takes cca. 2 minutes. Thank you!

Library evaluation form:


Online account

Hungarian Juristical Portal

Országház Könyvkiadó


Rare Books and Manuscripts Collection

Bibliography of Legislation and Public Affairs

Repository of Architectural Plans

Image Repository

virtual library visit