First Half of 2021


First Half of 2021



11 January 2021

COSAC Chairperson’s videoconference

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on European Affairs

Webpage of the event

1-2 February 2021.

Meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol

The following committees were represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Commitee on European Affairs, Committee on Defence and Law Enforcement, Committee on Justice

Webpage of the event

22 February 2021

The European Parliamentary Week (EPW) 2021 and Interparliamentary Videoconference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union

The following committees were represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on Budget, Committee on Economics, Commitee on European Affairs

Webpage of the event

3-4 March 2021

Interparliamentary Videoconference for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and for the Common Security and Defence Policy

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on Foreign Affairs

Webpage of the event
4 March 2021

Interparliamentary committee videconference of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM)

The National Assembly was represented by Ms. Dr. Márta Mátrai, Deputy of the Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly.

Webpage of the event
13 April 2021

Interparliamentary videoconference on COVID-19: impact on health and social effects

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on European Affairs

Webpage of the event

11-12 May 2021

Global Virtual Conference ‘Catalysing Parliamentary Action to Fight Climate Change’

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on Sustainable Development

Webpage of the event

31 May - 1 June 2021

LXV COSAC plenary videoconference

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on European Affairs

Webpage of the event

14 June 2021

High-level Interparliamentary Videoconference on Migration and Asylium

The following committees were represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Commitee on European Affairs, Committee on Defence and Law Enforcement

Webpage of the event

16 June 2021

Videoconference on Rural Development, Agriculture and Territorial Cohesion

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on Agriculture

Webpage of the event

21 June 2021

Videoconference on the role of Parliaments in deepening the EU-Africa relationship

The National Assembly was represented by Mr. Jakab István, Deputy-Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly

Webpage of the event

22 June 2021

Interparliamentary committee videoconference of the European Parliament's Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO)

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on European Affairs

Webpage of the event



    Second Half of 2020First Half of 2020
Second Half of 2019First Half of 2019Second Half of 2018First Half of 2018

Second Half of 2017

First Half of 2017

Second Half of 2016

First Half of 2016

Second Half of 2015

First Half of 2015

Second Half of 2014

First Half of 2014